Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The best Christmas Day menu ever!

The dessert table--Eton mess made with chocolate meringue, raspberries and cream, and a Gateau Russe--hazelnut meringue layers sandwiched with coffee butter cream. Yum!
Pineapple-glazed ham and salads

Balinese-style whole barbecued barramundi
Bloody Mary oyster shots

Home-made Asian-style salmon gravlax with Vietnamese fried rice crackers
A gorgeous Christmas menu at my daughter Pippa and son in law Joe's place--truly beautiful food, based mainly around seafood and fish, but with the traditional ham as well! And gorgeous desserts too!
Home-made prawn sandwiches with dill mayonnaise


  1. I see she has inherited her mother's cooking skills! And perhaps married a fellow enthusiastic cook?

  2. They are indeed both excellent cooks! They made all the food--we contributed money for ingredients--apart from the Gateau Russe, which my husband David made.
