Adèle Geras was born in Jerusalem: the seventh generation of her mother's family to be born there. On her father's side, her grandmother came from Rabat, in Morocco. She's written more than 90 books for readers of all ages and after living in Manchester for 43 years, now lives in Cambridge. Her website is http://www.adelegeras.com
This is my Moroccan grandmother's recipe.
Messoda's Cauliflower
2 cauliflowers divided into florets (keep the green stalks. Wash and chop these.)
2 large eggs beaten.
120 gm flour and more if you need it.
salt and pepper.
Oil for frying...sunflower I guess or light olive.
Juice of three lemons.
2 fl. oz water.
Prepare the cauliflower florets by dipping each first in beaten egg and then in flour, which you've seasoned previously with salt and pepper.
Heat the oil in a frying pan until hot and then add the florets. Fry a few at a time until they're mostly a lovely golden brown.
Line the bottom of a heatproof casserole dish or thick bottomed saucepan (on top of the cooker) with the cauliflower greens, then remove the cooked florets from the frying pan and lay them on the bed of greens. Pour the lemon juice over the top of everything, add the water, cover the casserole turn down the heat and gently simmer for about 20 mins. Season to taste.
This is wonderful with roast potatoes and roast meat of any kind. I like it best of all the next day, cold from the fridge. That's if you can manage to get any left over. The stalks, by the way, stewed in the lemony water are DELICIOUS.
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